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High Protein Oats for Africa & Drought Tolerant Gardens


We have been growing our high-protein oats in small shareholder farming communities across Morocco with Dr. Benlhabib (IAV), Dr. Rick Jellen (BYU), and Mark Nelson (Context Global Development) over the last four years. In 2019, the harvest was plentiful even though an extreme drought caused total losses in all other crops. I will never forget when Rick, my mentor,  said "Dude...all over the world scientists are talking about developing drought tolerant crops in hopes of winning a Nobel Prize...we just did it...probably because we only care about these people..." Being able to share this moment with such beautiful people after 13 long years of development was such a blessing and made all the struggles worth it. Be Excellent recognized the need for drought-tolerant crops in our own country. We began implementing these crops in gardens in Northern New Mexico. These crops yielded highly and will continue to produce gardens there. 

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